1. What is a financial services guide

1.1 This Financial Services Guide (FSG) is prepared and issued by Timeshare Brokers Pty Ltd t/a Royale Timeshare Resales (us, we and our).
1.2 This FSG is an important document that provides you with information to help you decide whether to use the financial services we offer. It about:
a. the financial services we provide;
b. how we and other associated persons are remunerated from those financial services;
c. how your personal information is dealt with; and
d. how complaints are dealt with.
1.3 This FSG is dated 01 August 2024 .

2. Who are we?

Our contact details are set out at the end of this FSG. We hold Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) number 245788, which authorises us to carry on a financial services business in relation to providing advice on, and arranging for clients to purchase and dispose of, interests in timeshare schemes.

We are not independent, impartial or unbiased because, via our ultimate shareholders, officers and related bodies corporate, we have associations or relationships with operators of registered and unregistered timeshare schemes and we may provide financial services to sellers and buyers of interests in such schemes.

3.What financial services can we provide

3.1 This FSG is provided to help you decide whether to use the financial services we are authorised to provide.
3.2 Specifically, we will (and are authorised to) provide general financial product advice on, and deal in, interests in timeshare schemes. We provide these services to consumers by enabling sellers of timeshare scheme interests to list their interests for sale on our website and enabling buyers to view and purchase the timeshare products listed.
3.3 We may assist an owner sell their timeshare interest by negotiating an agreement and price with a buyer on behalf of a seller. We may also sell timeshare interests we own to a buyer. In either case, once terms are agreed with a buyer, we will arrange for the necessary transfer documents to be completed, signed and provided to the applicable scheme operator, along with any other documents required.
3.4 In facilitating the sale and purchase of timeshare scheme interests; we do not operate a financial market or make a market in timeshare scheme interests and we will not provide you with personal advice.
3.5 We either act on the seller’s behalf (when selling a timeshare interests on a seller’s behalf) or on our own behalf (when selling timeshare interests we own), and not on the buyer’s behalf, when we provide financial services under our AFSL.

4. How can you transact with us?

You can give us instructions by telephone, mail or email. Our contact details are set out at the end of this

5. How are we paid for the services we provide?

Sellers of Wyndham Vacation Credits pay a standard handling fee ranging from AUD$1,000 to $6,200 (incl. GST) included in the advertised price and paid to us via deduction from the purchase price.

6. Relationships and associations

6.1 The ultimate of shareholders of Timeshare Brokers Pty Ltd are also the ultimate shareholders of Classic Clubs Limited, holder of AFSL 246232. Classic Clubs Limited is the responsible entity of the Classic Holiday Club ARSN 111 354 440 and Interchange Vacation Club ARSN 096 286 369, both of which are registered timeshare schemes.
6.2 Our related bodies corporate provide management and administration services to various timeshare resorts, being timeshare managed investment schemes which have been granted relief by ASIC from the requirement to hold an AFSL and to be registered with ASIC as a registered scheme.
6.3 We may sell to buyers, and provide financial services to buyers in relation to, interests in Classic Holiday Club and Interchange Vacation Club and of interests in timeshare resorts which are managed by our related companies.

7. What should you do if you have a concern or complaint?

7.1 If you have a complaint about us, resulting from the services provided to you, please contact us. Once we receive your complaint, we will do our best to resolve the issue as quickly as we can, within 5 days. During that time, we may get in touch with you and ask you for more information to assist with investigating your complaint. If we are unable to address your concerns within 5 days, we will write to you and aim to resolve the matter within 30 days.

7.2 We may need to investigate the issue and this may take some time, as we might need to gather details from other departments or service providers. If we cannot resolve the matter within 30 days. We will explain the reasons for the delay and you will be given a written explanation detailing why the complaint has not been resolved and what steps are being taken to reach a satisfactory outcome.
7.3 If you’re unhappy with the resolution, you want to share more information with us, or think we’ve missed something, please get in touch with our Resolutions Officer.

(a) By email:
(b) By mail : Resolutions Officer, Timeshare Brokers Pty Ltd , PO Box 454, COOLANGATTA QLD 4225

7.4 If any issues are not resolved to your satisfaction after 30 days you may wish to refer the matter to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).
AFCA may be contacted:

(a) By mail
Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited
GPO Box 3
Melbourne, VIC 3001
(b) By email
(c) By Phone 1300 56 55 62

You may also contact ASIC on 1300 300 630.

8. Compensation arrangements

We hold an insurance policy covering professional indemnity and fraud by officers that satisfies the requirements of section 912B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). The policy covers the financial services we are authorised to provide under our AFSL, including when the services are provided by our current or former representatives and employees

9. How is your personal information dealt with?

Protecting your personal information is important to us. Your personal information will be dealt with in accordance with our privacy policy which is available on our website or from us on request.

10. Contact details

If you have any queries or would like further information, our contact details are below:

AU: 1300 322 949 – NZ: 0800 007 387.

Mailing address: PO Box 454 Coolangatta QLD 4225

Timeshare Brokers Pty Ltd trading as Royale Timeshare Resales IH-RTRFSG-V7-280824